Why Re-Certify servers?

Virginia alcohol rules and regulations are a part of being a business that serves alcohol, but understanding the law behind the rules helps you (as an employee or as a business owner) guard against fines and non-compliance. Before we get too far into the nitty gritty, know that all of...

Stressful December – tips from ABC Consulting

This is such an exciting time of year. So much to celebrate. So much to look back at and learn from. So much to look forward to. But please, in this overscheduled, overtaxed time of year – please remember to OUTSOURCE. Take some things off of your plate that you...

ABC’s of Alcohol, at ILEA’s Costume Party!

Working in a job you don't love can take a toll, mentally. Your Sunday nights become filled with dread as you anticipate another Monday getting closer.  On the flip side, I work in a profession that I love (truly LOVE!) and it fills my life with joy and energy –...