ABC Agent Resigns to Help Licensees
Crystal E. Stump is the founder and CEO of ABC Consulting. Ms. Stump has licensed over 1,000 licensees and trained over 5,000 people in the alcohol industry....
Call: 800.785.0161 | EMAIL |
Crystal E. Stump is the founder and CEO of ABC Consulting. Ms. Stump has licensed over 1,000 licensees and trained over 5,000 people in the alcohol industry....
Before applying for a Virginia (VA) alcohol license (ABC license), first, you should determine what license type you will qualify for...
Alcohol licensing in Virginia is a process that requires a 30 day objection period for retail and industry license applicants. Legal publication and a posting notice are required to put the public on notice that a license has been applied for...
Are you prepared for your pre-license VA ABC application on-site inspection?
What about your 90-day alcohol license inspection?
Virginia ABC Authority currently does not offer a mobile bartending license. In Virginia, one can operate as a mobile bartender, but cannot sell alcohol, tickets to an event...
If you are applying for a retail or industry ABC license make sure you understand state applications fully.
Axe throwing businesses interested in selling alcohol should take note and consider operating a restaurant in order to qualify for an alcohol license...
VA ABC Authority does not have an ABC license specific to a Hookah Lounge, but there is hope.
The Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Authority does not have an ABC license designated for food trucks or mobile bartending.
The Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Authority does not have a license designated for gift basket businesses; however, an individual can apply for and receive an Internet Retailer License.
Event Centers in Virginia are often looking for ways to license their venue to sell or serve alcohol. A licensed venue alleviates customers from having to obtain their own One-Day Banquet license for an event.
Who doesn't like a glass of wine when getting their hair done? With the proper alcohol license, hair salons can offer wine or beer to their customers. It is very important to understand the many different license types Virginia offers before investing time and money in a business that may not qualify for a license...
What is a VA ABC COOP? A VA ABC COOP is a Continuation of Operations Permit. This permit can be approved for a new VA ABC applicant who wishes for the current alcohol license...
If you sell alcohol, you should know. UAB or Under Age Buyer is an employee with the VA ABC Authority who is under the age of 21 attempting to purchase alcohol in an undercover operation...
Convenience Store License: An establishment that has an enclosed room in a permanent structure where stock is displayed and offered for sale...
The quickest way to make your ABC agent mad is failing to know your own industry. If you complete your VA ABC retail application incorrectly this creates extra unnecessary work...
Many people question if a DUI prohibits them from receiving an ABC license. The answer depends...
In Virginia, most businesses operate under a legal entity known as a LLC or INC, therefore, the owners are considered members if they operate as an LLC and officers/directors if they operate as a corporation...
Are you familiar with the VA ABC Authority's record-keeping requirement? All records shall be kept on the premises for 2 years...
If you are buying a legal entity (LLC or INC) and this entity is licensed to sell alcohol then you should understand the dangers...
Are you familiar with the VA ABC Authority's record-keeping requirement? All records shall be kept on the premises for 2 years...
If your current legal entity (LLC or INC) is licensed to sell alcohol then you should understand the value that you hold. Many buyers are in the market for purchasing an already licensed location simply...
An ABC Manager is a title created by VA ABC Authority for the purpose of having an individual available to assist in giving an inspection...
You can apply using our simplified online form here. The cost is $195. This fee includes the VA ABC Authority state application fee, state license fee, online processing and...
Business owners in Virginia are often looking for ways to sell or serve alcohol. If you are a business wanting to offer a tasting event there is a license for you. It is called a VA Banquet License...
Baileys Irish Cream in your coffee sounds great! You need a license to sell that kind of coffee. The VA ABC Authority does not offer a specific license for coffee shops, but I have licensed many coffee shops...
This video discusses the 3 ways your ABC license can be revoked. Not meeting the required minimum sales amount per your ABC License requirement and not meeting...